break a bone

美 [breɪk ə boʊn]英 [breɪk ə bəʊn]
  • 骨折
break a bonebreak a bone
  1. You could break a bone or a heart .


  2. Have you ever been injured , did you ever break a bone ?


  3. Through patience a ruler can be persuaded , and a gentle tongue can break a bone .


  4. Like Jill , many people do not know they have osteoporosis unless they break a bone . Or , they may find that they are getting shorter .


  5. They shall leave none of it until morning , nor break a bone of it ; according to all the statute of the Passover they shall observe it .


  6. In one house shall it be eaten ; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house ; neither shall ye break a bone thereof .


  7. Furthermore , " Researchers at Oxford University recently followed 35000 individuals aged 20 to 89 for a period of five years and discovered that vegans are 30 % more likely to break a bone than their vegetarian and flesh-eating peers .
